english yoga amstelveen

Yoga classes in English in Amstelveen.

In our Yoga Studio in Amstelveen we teach Yoga in English. Finally there is a professional yogastudio in Amstelveen with English speaking teachers. It is possible to join any class as shown on the schedule. Just tell the teacher you would prefer the lesson to be given in English.

Yoga for Expats in Amstelveen.

More and more expats are moving to Amstelveen. At this moment most of our classes have a few expats or at least English speaking students joining. So do not feel burdened if you do not speak dutch yet. We love to do our Yoga classes in English for you.

Any Questions

Call us : +31(0)6 110 82 678


Meester Troelstralaan 17 1181 VD Amstelveen Free parking for bikes and cars.
Park your car for free on the blue zone on the Mr Troelstralaan 9 till 31. When full tell us your licence plate number upon arrival. Cost is €0,25 per hour.
Subscribe for English spoken Yoga classes.
Secure your spot now. Make a reservation for your class. Mats are available and free of use. We also sell mats and other props if you would prefer to have your own. Just be there 10 minutes ahead. Bring a towel and easy fitting clothes. Try to wear clothes from natural materials. Do not eat for at least two ours before practicing Yoga. If you are pregnant please inform us. If you encounter any physical limitation please inform us.
More information for English speaking yogis.
Don't be late for class. Please take a shower and don't wear perfume. We breath deep. Make sure that your last meal is at least two/three hours before class. Have a cup of tea and a chat after class and most important of all. Have fun.

Join a yoga class?

Yes you can, use the button below to secure your spot. mats are available on the studio and free of use. Be on time.
Unsubcribe for class 4 hours before class.
* = Level 1
Everybody is welcome. From beginners to advanced practitioners.
** = Level 2
Some basic yoga or fitness experience required. Bring a towel :-)
*** = Level 3
Level 2 with a twist. We do some funky stuff. It's fun and play.

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