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Olivier Sebastiaan Soffer

Hatha - and Vinyasa Yoga Instructor, Mindfulness trainer at Yoga Minds in Amstelveen. Lead Teacher at the YMA.
To live a happy life is an art. Discovering what it is that truly matters and accepting the simple fact that there are two sides of everything in life.

As and adolescent I was a very unhappy boy struggling with almost all aspects of life. In that time it was martial arts, karate that helped me to get into my body and out of my mind.
The profound knowledge enclosed in yoga enables us to enjoy a happier and better balanced life.
After 20 years of working in advertising I found my way back into that body through yoga and meditation. But this time in such a profound way that I decided to share what was given to me.
I immersed myself in the world of spirituality where I often experienced great clarity. Clarity about myself. Who am I? And in this unraveling more peace and freedom arose. Acceptance of the reality of life.

Olivier has more than 15 years of experience in yoga, meditation and Mindfulness.Together with Anne he is responsible for Yoga Minds and Massage Minds.

The goal of Yoga Minds is to teach yoga in an accessible way without losing depth and quality.

Olivier studies yoga, meditation, massage therapy and Advaita Vedanta (Non Duality). Inspired by his teachers Jeff Foster, Tony Parsons, Jan van den Oever and many others. More than 15 years ago he started transcendental meditation in the tradition of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Followed by his first Yoga teacher training.

After which he continued to deepen his knowledge with the training and workshops of national and international experts in the field of yoga and meditation. Such as David Swenson, Leslie Kaminoff and Daniel Odier.

As of 2020 Olivier is a certified Mindfulness coach and trainer.

In addition to yoga, meditation and non duality, Olivier has immersed himself in bodywork. Initially in the school of Northern Thailand. Nuad Bo-Rarn. Where he followed a teacher training program and later also in Western styles such as Deep Tissue massage. Recently he succefully attended the Anatomy Trains in structure and function training.

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