yoga in english amstelveen

English spoken Yoga classes in Amstelveen.

English Hatha Yoga classes in Amstelveen.

In our Yoga Studio in Amstelveen we teach Hatha Yoga in English. Hatha Yoga is de root of all physical yoga. At Yoga Minds we teach classical Hatha Yoga and Hatha Yoga with flow. During these classes we focus on philosophy, asana, pranayama, bandha and alignment. There is time for meditation and relaxation as well as some physical challenges. You create a strong and healthy body and a flexible mind. Yoga helps to relieve stress and build strength and endurance.

Vinyasa Yoga in English in Amstelveen.

At Yoga Minds Amstelveen we teach Vinyasa Yoga in English. Vinyasa Yoga sprouts from Krama Vinyasa and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. It is rooted in Hatha Yoga but more dynamic then classical Hatha Yoga. Vinyasa Yoga is build up from five elements. Asana, Pranayama, Vinyasa, Bandha and Dristhi. Espessiacially the first 25 minutes are really dynamic and challenging for strength and endurance.

Vinyasa Yoga is often referred to as Meditation by Movement. The flow of movements from one asana to another, guided by our breath, with the eyes focussed on one single point make this a very meditative form style go Yoga.

In our Amstelveen Vinyasa Yoga classes we focus on self - consciousness for a better wellbeing. Become strong, healthy and flexible in the mind.

English spoken Yin Yoga Amstelveen.

In our yogastudio in Amstelveen we teach Yin Yoga in English. Yin Yoga is a form style of Hatha Yoga which focusses on meditation and deepening of the asanas. You abide in one asana for longer periods of time which makes Yin Yoga a very challenging form style of Yoga. Both Physical and mental. It is of course not about being the most flexible person but it is about finding equanimity in every situation you encounter. In our Yin Yoga Classes in Amstelveen we focus on self-enquiry and meditation. Becoming strong, flexible and healthy.

Yoga for beginners in Amstelveen.

At Yoga Minds we teach beginners Yoga in English. Everybody has to be a beginner once. And because this is such an important moment we created a special beginners yoga class in our yogastudio in Amstelveen. In this beginners yoga class we focus on all the basic principles of Yoga. Such as Alignement, Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Philosophy and the five elements of Vinaysa Yoga. This class is also really interesting for those who are interested in knowing a bit more about Yoga and its origin. What are the basic principles of hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga? The beginners Yoga in Amstelveen is the perfect start for a save yogic career.
Any Questions
Call us : +31(0)6 110 82 678
mail us
Meester Troelstralaan 17
1181 VD Amstelveen
Free parking for bikes and cars.
Park your car for free on the blue zone on the Mr Troelstralaan 9 till 31. When full tell us your licence plate number upon arrival. Cost is €0,25 per hour.
Join a yoga class?
Yes you can, use the button below to secure your spot. mats are available on the studio and free of use. Be on time.
Unsubcribe for class 4 hours before class.

* = Level 1

Everybody is welcome. From beginners to advanced practitioners.

** = Level 2

Some basic yoga or fitness experience required. Bring a towel :-)

*** = Level 3

Level 2 with a twist. We do some funky stuff. It's fun and play.


Try us € 20,- | 3 classes
Unlimited Membership € 57,- p.m.
10 classes € 128,-
20 classes € 215,-
Single class € 15,-

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