urdhva danurasana anne

Anne Soffer

Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, Somatic Flow and Yoga Nidra at Yoga Minds Amstelveen. Lead Teacher at the YMA.

Before I started the practice of yoga, I have been practicing dance. I could always very clearly feel the effect of movement on my whole being.

"The mind and body are not connected,
they are the same thing".

-Amy Matthews, Embodied Asana

In my early twenties I discovered yoga and I sensed a bond to this practice.

Over the years I felt more and more drawn towards exploring the gift that we all got, the gift of this body. It led me toward studying anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and also embryology and infant development.

"Yoga for me is to keep coming back towards feeling oneself. Maintaining a curiosity towards oneself. There is so much wisdom to discover there”.

-Anne Soffer

And this study is continuous. As is the practice of Yoga. Yoga for me is to keep coming back towards feeling oneself. Maintaining a curiosity towards oneself. There is so much wisdom to discover there.

I warmly invite you to join this exploration!

Anne is a 1000+ hr registered Yoga Teacher at the Independent Yoga Network. She is one of the lead teacher of the Yoga Minds Academy, a 200 hr TTC program based in Amstelveen. 

She studied with Leslie Kaminoff, Amy Matthews, Karin Gurtner, Dr Thomas Myers, Gil Hedley Ph.D and Jaap van der Wal Ph.D. 

Anne has a bachelor partial certificate in anatomy and physiology from HBO nursing. She also had the delight of participating in the dissection course of Anatomy Inside “The Upper Extremity” in the Amsterdam UMC led by  Karl Jacobs MSc.                                                                                                   

At the moment she is a student of and inspired by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen’s BMC, where she has finished the following modules:

“Primitive Reflexes, Righting Reactions and Equilibrium Responses” (42hrs) led by Gloria Desideri in Italy in March 2022.

 “Ontogenetic Development” (40 hrs) led by Katy Dymoky in the UK in June 2023. 
“Summer serie 1 and 2” led by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen (online, 2021) 

Anne occasionally writes yoga related articles for Yogi Times and Elephant Journal

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